I recently bought a stack of craft
felt for a few projects I've been wanting to try. I've loved this little
ocean creature mobile for a while now, so I've been attempting to make something similar (pictures to come).
Later this week I'll be attending a
Relief Society ornament exchange activity. After looking at the store for an ornament to purchase, I decided to try making one!
I'm not a money spender, and I know the decision to make an ornament cost me a lot more time, but I feel better for using what I already had and for avoiding an $8 charge!
Lately, my creative moments are few and far between, so when this rare urge to make something comes to me I don't ignore it.
A few of my other supplies: thread, craft string, ribbon, and beads! |
After a few long hours, the final product turned out better than I expected!
I made a round (squat) ornament with six segments, alternating red and pink. It is stuffed with cotton balls. The hook and hanging tassels are made of teal and red craft string. I also used small gold beads to add some detail around the ornament.
I also made a felt sprig of mistletoe! |
I also plan to include this felt sprig of mistletoe with my wrapped ornament. I figured that some poor soul is going to be stuck with my homemade ornament. The least I can do is add a bonus gift!